City of Newport Beach
City Council Chambers
100 Civic Center Drive
Newport Beach, CA 92660

(415) 407-3211

active during meeting only

Last Updated
October 2 @ 11:00am


June 10


9:00 a.m.

    Public comments will be heard at 9:00 am for items not on the agenda, for no more than 30 minutes. For those unable to attend the early comment period, there may be additional comment time available later in the day. Note: Comments made during the general public comment period regarding matters pending before the Commission do not become part of the official record for those matters.


    1. Director's Report.
    2. Legislative Report.
      Legislative report and possible Commission action. (CL/SC-SF)
    3. Public Hearing and Briefing on Revised Draft Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance.
      Commission staff briefing and public hearing on revised draft Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance. Public hearing to remain open with action deferred till future hearing. (SH/LE/CB/KD-SF)
    4. 2016 Schedule of Meeting Dates and Locations
      For discussion and possible action. (VM-SF)
    5. Refugio Oil Spill
      Briefing on Refugio oil spill in Santa Barbara County. Discussion only. (CL/AD)


    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Application No. 5-15-0263 (Moore, San Pedro)
      Application of Richard and Maria Moore to construct 2-story, 1,186 sq.ft. addition to existing 1-story, 852 sq.ft. single-family home, at 910 Paseo Del Mar, San Pedro, Los Angeles County. (MR-LB) NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
    2. Application No. 5-15-0320 (Rosenmayr & Strippoli, Pacific Palisades)
      Application of Marc Rosenmayr & Arianna Strippoli to demolish 1,843 sq.ft. single-family home and construct 2-story 5,597 sq.ft. single family home with basement, garage, and swimming pool, at 15328 Friends, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (MR-LB) NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Application No. 5-15-0004 (Romano, Santa Monica)
      Application of Ted Romano to demolish single-family home and construct 4,108 sq.ft., 4-story, 38.5-ft. high, single-family home with attached 417 sq.ft. 2-car garage and 2 additional on-site parking spaces and roof deck, at 1413 Palisades Beach Rd., Santa Monica, Los Angeles County. (SV-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    2. Application No. 5-15-0005 (Demontesquiou, Santa Monica)
      Application of Andre and Suzzane Demontesquiou to demolish 2-story, single-family home and construct 5,105 sq.ft., 4-story, 37-ft. high, single-family home with attached 575 sq.ft. 3-car garage and 2 additional on-site parking spaces, and roof deck, at 1405 Palisades Beach Rd., Santa Monica, Los Angeles County. (SV-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS


    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Application No. 6-15-0503 (Menvielle, San Diego)
      Application of Edward and Linda Menvielle to add 800 sq.ft. to 2-story single-family home and demolish and replace attached 2-car garage on 8,081 sq.ft. lot, at 1011 W. Briarfield Dr., Pacific Beach, San Diego, San Diego County. (TH-SD) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    Report by Chief of Enforcement on Statewide Enforcement Program. (LAH-SF)
  3. Items W9.3 and W9.5, below share a single, combined staff report

  4. Commission Consent Cease & Desist Order No. CCC-15-CD-03 (Front Runner LLC, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles Co.) ADDENDUM
    Public hearing and Commission action on proposed consent administrative order directing property owner to 1) remove unpermitted development, including shipping containers and fill from; and 2) cease and desist from undertaking additional unpermitted development, including grading, placement of structures and materials, and removal of major vegetation on, vacant property located below Saddle Peak Rd., Topanga, (APN 4438-033-012), Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County. (JDA-SF) APPROVED
  5. Commission Consent Restoration Order No. CCC-15-RO-03 (Front Runner LLC, Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles Co.) ADDENDUM
    Public hearing and Commission action on proposed consent administrative order directing property owner to take restorative actions including: 1) restoring disturbed areas by undertaking removal, remedial grading, revegetation, and monitoring activities; 2) recording revised public trail easements; and 3) providing additional enhancement and protection of coastal resources in the Santa Monica Mountains; to address unpermitted development, including grading, placement of structures and materials, and removal of major vegetation, on vacant property located below Saddle Peak Rd., Topanga, (APN 4438-033-012), Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles County. (JDA-SF) APPROVED
  6. Cease and Desist Order No. CCC-15-CD-04 (West Newport Oil Company, Orange Co.)
    Public hearing and Commission action on proposed administrative order directing respondent to, among other things: (1) refrain from engaging in unpermitted development, including vegetation removal and oil production activities, at properties collectively known as Banning Ranch, located adjacent to 5100 block of West Coast Hwy, in unincorporated Orange County; (2) remove certain oil production structures and materials that are present on those properties as result of unpermitted activities; and (3) take steps to address existing unpermitted development. (AJW-LB) POSTPONED


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's San Diego office at (619) 767-2370. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. City of San Diego LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-OCB-15-0006-1 (Ocean Beach Community Plan) Time Extension.
      Public hearing and action to extend the time limit for Commission action for up to one year on request by City of San Diego to adopt a comprehensive update to the certified Ocean Beach Community Plan (LUP) including redesignation of the Voltaire Street and Pt. Loma Avenue commercial districts from Neighborhood Commercial to Community Commercial and rezoning approx. 25 acres in two areas from RS-1-7 to RM-1-1. (BL-SD) APPROVED
    2. City of Carlsbad LCP Amendment No. LCP-6-CII-14-0597-1 (Car Country Initiatives 2 and 4) Certification Review
      Concurrence with the Executive Director's determination that the actions adopted by the City of Carlsbad to accept the suggested modifications to the Car Country Specific Plan are legally adequate. (RC-SD) NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
    3. Port of San Diego Master Plan Amendment #6-PSD-MAJ-45-13 (Convention Center Expansion III) Certification Review ADDENDUM
      Commission action on Port of San Diego's adoption of Coastal Commission certification of Port Master Plan Amendment No. 6-PSD-MAJ-45-13. (DL-SD) APPROVED
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Appeal No. A-6-LJS-14-0063 (BC5 Camino LLC, San Diego) ADDENDUM
      Appeal of Commissioners Kinsey and Shallenberger from decision of City of San Diego granting permit amendment with conditions to BC5 Camino, LLC, for 2,472 sq.ft. addition to existing 2-story over basement, 5,948 sq.ft. single-family home on 16,768 sq.ft. oceanfront lot, at 6106 Camino de la Costa, La Jolla, San Diego, San Diego County. (AL-SD) SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS at de Nove Hearing
    See Agenda Categories. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See Agenda Categories) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
    1. Application No. 6-15-0223 (City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, Children's Pool) ADDENDUM
      Application of City of San Diego Park and Recreation Dept. to re-authorize year-round guideline rope with 3-ft. opening for ocean access in perpetuity for protection of harbor seals at Children's Pool Beach, La Jolla, San Diego, San Diego County (BL-SD) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    2. Application No. 6-15-0580 (San Dieguito Park Joint Powers Authority (JPA), San Diego) ADDENDUM
      Application of JPA to construct single-story, 1,400 sq.ft. ranger and maintenance building with attached 1,082 sq.ft. garage and fenced outdoor work area on 6 acre parcel located south of Via de la Valle between San Andreas Dr. and El Camino Real in San Dieguito River Valley, San Diego, San Diego County. (TR-SD) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's Long Beach office at (562) 590-5071. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories .

    Items W17a and W17b, below share a single, combined staff report.

    1. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-15-0026 (422 Grand Boulevard LLC, Los Angeles) ADDENDUM
      Appeal by Coastal Commission Executive Director and Robin Rudisill, Angelina Meany, David Troy Smith, et al., from decision by City of Los Angeles granting permit with conditions to 422 Grand Boulevard LLC for construction of 3-story, 35-ft. high, 4,816 sq.ft. single-family home and consolidation of 2 lots, at 418-422 Grand Blvd., Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (ZR-LB) SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND, do Novo Hearing TO CONTINUE
    2. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-15-0027 (416 Grand Boulevard LLC, Los Angeles) ADDENDUM
      Appeal by Coastal Commission Executive Director and Robin Rudisill, Angelina Meany, David Troy Smith, et al., from decision by City of Los Angeles granting permit with conditions to 416 Grand Boulevard LLC for construction of 2-story, 30-ft. high, 1,064 sq.ft. single-family home, at 416 Grand Blvd., Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (ZR-LB) SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND, do Novo Hearing TO CONTINUE
    3. Appeal No. A-5-VEN-15-0029 (Klein, Los Angeles)
      Appeal by Robin Rudisill, Gabriel Ruspini, Todd Darling, et al., from decision by City of Los Angeles granting permit with conditions to George Klein, Susan Baxter, and Kirk Baxter for partial demolition and construction of 3-level, 30-ft. high, 3,510 sq.ft. duplex at 521 Rose Ave., Venice, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County. (MA-LB) NO SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND
    4. Appeal No. A-5-MNB-15-0032 (IMG LLC, Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball Tournament, Manhattan Beach)
      Appeal by William Victor from decision of City of Manhattan Beach granting permit with conditions for 2015 Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball Tournament to be held on public beach August 13-16, 2015, south of Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Los Angeles County. (CP-LB) NO SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND
    See Agenda Categories. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See Agenda Categories) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
    1. Application No. 5-15-0030 (Sunshine Enterprises LP, Santa Monica)
      Application of Sunshine Enterprises LP for after-the-fact approval to demolish 2 low-cost motels (totaling 87 rooms) and construct new 89,900 sq.ft., 164-room, high-cost, 45-ft. high, LEED certified hotel with 4-level, 284-space subterranean parking garage, 4,660 sq.ft. of retail and restaurant space on street level, at 1515 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Los Angeles County. (AD-LB) POSTPONED


CLOSED SESSION. At a convenient time during the meeting, the Commission (CCC) will have a closed session to discuss items of pending litigation, including:
  • Arnold Land Co. v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) – see item F21a
  • Baltimore Land Co. v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) – see item F21a
  • Frank v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) – see item F21a
  • Capistrano Shores Property LLC v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A)
  • Friends of Children's Pool v. City of San Diego, CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) – see item W14a
  • Horizontal Development LLC et al. v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) – see item W9.7
  • Markee et al. v. County of Santa Barbara et al., Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A)
  • Sunshine Enterprises LP v. Lester, CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) – see item W18a
The Commission is authorized to discuss these matters in a closed session pursuant to Government Code Sections 11126(e)(2)(A) and (2)(C). In addition, the Commission may consider matters which fall under Government Code Section 11126(e)(2)(B) or (2)(C). The Commission may also consider personnel matters which fall under Government Code Section 11126(a).


June 11


9:00 a.m.

    Public comments will be heard at 9:00 am for items not on the agenda, for no more than 30 minutes. For those unable to attend the early comment period, there may be additional comment time available later in the day. Note: Comments made during the general public comment period regarding matters pending before the Commission do not become part of the official record for those matters.


    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Application No. 5-15-0008 (Cardarella, Newport Beach)
      Application of Louis James Cardarella to demolish 880 sq.ft. floating dock, and install 806 sq.ft. floating dock, 10' x 14' pier platform, and 3' x 24' gangway, at 22 Linda Isle, Newport Beach, Orange County (MR-LB) NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Application No. 5-14-0577 (Bablot, Newport Beach) ADDENDUM
      Application of Steve & Susan Bablot to demolish 2-story, single-family home and construct 2,475 sq.ft., 28-ft. high, 3-story, single-family home on beach-front lot, at 6802 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach, Orange County. (MA-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    2. Application No. 5-14-1668 (City of Newport Beach Park Avenue Bridge)
      Application of City of Newport Beach to demolish and replace Park Avenue Bridge over Grand Canal and construct temporary bridge at Balboa Avenue for use during construction, at Park and Balboa Ave. on Balboa Island, Newport Beach, Orange County. (SV-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    3. Application No. 5-14-1840 (Brown, Newport Beach)
      Application of Duane and Janet Brown to demolish 2-story duplex and construct new 2,985 sq.ft., 3-story duplex with attached garage and carport, at 3503 Seashore Dr., Newport Beach, Orange County. (FSY-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS


    See Agenda Categories .
    1. UCSB Notice of Impending Development No. UCS-NOID-0009-14 (KITP Southern Tarplant Seedbank Restoration Project).
      Public hearing and action on Notice of Impending Development by University of California at Santa Barbara for after-the-fact approval of removal and relocation of 2,200 sq.ft. total area of Tarplant habitat and temporarily disturbing 2,000 sq.ft. area of Tarplant habitat as result of construction of Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) Housing Complex. Additionally, project includes habitat impact mitigation restoration located adjacent to KITP Visiting Scholar's Housing Complex on Storke Campus at the UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County. (DV-V) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS

ENFORCEMENT (moved to W9.1)

    Report by Chief of Enforcement on Statewide Enforcement Program. (LAH-SF)


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's Long Beach office at (562) 590-5071. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Laguna Beach Local Coastal Program Amendment LCP-5-LGB-14-0344-1 (Water Quality Ordinance Update).
      Request by the City of Laguna Beach to update Chapter 16 (water quality management) of the LCP Implementing Ordinances, Laguna Beach, Orange County. (SV-LB) APPROVED AS SUBMITTED
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Appeal No. A-5-LGB-14-0027 (MSSK Ventures LLC, Laguna Beach) ADDENDUM
      Appeal by Commissioners Shallenberger and Turnbull-Sanders of City of Laguna Beach decision granting permit with conditions to MSSK Ventures LLC for additions and remodel to 4,878 sq.ft. single-family home with attached 2-car garage on 10,016 sq.ft. beach-front lot and reinforcement of unpermitted seawall, at 11 Lagunita Dr., Laguna Beach, Orange County. (SV-LB) TO CONTINUE
    See Agenda Categories. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See Agenda Categories) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
    1. Application No. 5-14-1211 (City of Newport Beach Grass Field)
      Application of City of Newport Beach to level grass field seaward of Newport Beach Elementary, located on beach-front lot at 1327 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach, Orange County. (MA-LB) POSTPONED
    2. Application No. 5-14-1213 (City of Newport Beach Fire Rings) ADDENDUM
      Application for after-the-fact approval of temporary plan to reduce number of fire rings from 60 to 56, relocate fire rings, and limit fire ring fuel to charcoal-only in some fire rings at Balboa Pier area and Corona del Mar State Beach; also, replace temporary plan with at least 60 beach fire rings to include permanent relocation of some fire rings, a mix of wood-burning and charcoal-only rings, and some ADA accessible fire rings, at Balboa Pier, Corona del Mar State Beach, and Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort & Marina, Newport Beach, Orange County. (EP-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    3. Application No. 5-14-1717 (Lido Group Retail LLC, Newport Beach)
      Application of Newport Lido Group Retail, LLC to demolish five 50-ft. long dock fingers and construct four 85-ft. long dock fingers and new dinghy berths, at 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach, Orange County. (AD-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    4. Application No. 5-14-1784 (City of Newport Beach Road & Parking Improvement) ADDENDUM
      Application of City of Newport Beach to add new traffic and turn lanes, bike lanes, landscaping, and medians including removal of 27 curbside public parking spaces along portion of Newport Blvd.; and construct new 32-space public parking lot, located along Newport Blvd. from 30th St. to Via Lido, Newport Beach, Orange County. (FSY-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    5. Application No. 5-14-1837 (Signal Landmark, Huntington Beach)
      Application of Signal Landmark for land division (Tentative Tract Map No. 17662) to create 7 residential lots; and construct single-family home on each of proposed residential lots, located Southwest of intersection of Los Patos Ave. and Bolsa Chica St., Huntington Beach, Orange County. (MV-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    6. Items Th13f and Th14a, below share a single, combined staff report

    7. Application No. 5-14-0200 (City of Newport Beach Dredging and Beach Nourishment)
      Application of City of Newport Beach for beach nourishment in Newport Bay using up to 75,000 cu.yds. of suitable dredge material, and proposed Eelgrass Protection and Mitigation Plan for eelgrass impacts, Newport Beach, Orange County. (ZR-LB) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
  6. Federal Consistency.
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Consistency Certification No. CC-0002-15 (City Of Newport Beach, Newport Beach)
      Consistency Certification for maintenance dredging around existing docks and off-shore disposal of up to 75,000 cu.yds. of dredge material a year, including proposed Eelgrass Protection and Mitigation Plan for eelgrass impacts, at Lower and Upper Newport Bay, Newport Beach, and at ocean disposal site LA-3 located 4 miles southwest of the entrance to Newport Harbor, Orange County. (ZR-LB) APPROVED
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Permit No. A-5-LGB-13-0223 (Meehan, Laguna Beach)
      Consideration of findings in support of Commission's action on March 12, 2015 to approve permit with conditions to construct single-family home on bluff lot, at 31381 Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, Orange County. (ZR-LB) APPROVED


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's Ventura office at (805) 585-1800. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Malibu State Beaches Notice of Impending Development No. MSB-NOID-0005-14 (El Matador Parking Lot and Trail Erosion Repairs).
      Public hearing and action on Notice of Impending Development by the California Department of Parks and Recreation pursuant to Malibu State Beaches Public Works Plan for repair and maintenance of existing parking lot including 2,400 square feet of recontouring, installation of 1,200 square feet of rigid pervious cells and erosion control improvements to existing onsite drainage system, repair and maintenance of approx. 483 feet of eroded trail (72 cu.yds. of fill) and drainage improvements, and repair and maintenance of eroded upper stairway (50 cu.yds. of fill) with 2 below grade buttressed gabion walls (54 square feet) at El Matador State Beach. (MH-V) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    See Agenda Categories. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See Agenda Categories) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
    1. Application No. 4-12-076 (Kellogg Avenue LLC, Goleta)
      Application of Kellogg Avenue LLC for concrete/asphalt recycling facility consisting of vehicle scale with concrete aprons, 2 approx. 20,000 sq.ft. material stockpile areas, equipment storage, crushing operation area for crusher, screening plant, and radial stacker equipment, parking, fencing, gates, and concrete swale/drainage ditch for runoff, at 909 South Kellogg Ave.,Goleta, Santa Barbara County. (DC-V) WITHDRAWN


If time permits, the Commission will take a field trip to the Crystal Cove State Park Historical District at the conclusion of the meeting on Thursday, June 11th; however, the field trip may not occur if the Commission hearing has not ended by approximately 5:00 PM. The Commission and staff will travel in private vehicles to the State Park to tour the existing Phase I and II renovated cottages and proposed Phase III cottage renovation. Members of the public are invited to attend by following in their private vehicles and joining the Commission at the State Park for the tour. A more detailed itinerary will be available at a later date. For more information, please call Amber Dobson at the Commission's South Coast District office in Long Beach at (562) 590-5071.


June 12


9:00 a.m.

    Public comments will be heard at 9:00 am for items not on the agenda, for no more than 30 minutes. For those unable to attend the early comment period, there may be additional comment time available later in the day. Note: Comments made during the general public comment period regarding matters pending before the Commission do not become part of the official record for those matters.


    Report by the Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, negative determinations, matters not requiring public hearings, and status report on offshore oil & gas exploration & development. For specific information contact the Commission's Energy, Ocean Resources, and Federal Consistency Division office at (415) 904-5240. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories. An Amendment below may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed like other Consent Calendar items (See above) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3 or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner material amendments are processed.
    1. Permit No. 9-13-0344-A1 (Southern California Gas Co., Goleta)
      Request by Southern California Gas Co. to amend permit granted with conditions for pipeline maintenance project, to install temporary ramp for repair and maintenance activities, at La Goleta Natural Gas Storage Facility, Goleta, Santa Barbara County. (KH-SF) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
  4. Federal Consistency.
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. CD-0002-15 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Seal Beach)
      Consistency determination by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for thin-layer salt marsh sediment augmentation pilot project at Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, Seal Beach, Orange County (LS-SF) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    2. CD-0003-15 (Department of Veterans Affairs, San Francisco) ADDENDUM
      Consistency determination by Dept. of Veterans Affairs for LRDP for Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Fort Miley, City and County of San Francisco. (JS-SF) NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's Arcata office at (707) 826-8950. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Appeal No. A-1-ARC-12-3 (Humboldt State University Foundation, Arcata)
      Appeal by Commissioners Brennan & Bloom from decision of City of Arcata granting permit with conditions to Humboldt State University Foundation for remodeling of existing warehouse and office building with driveway modifications and wetland enhancements, at 1601 Samoa Blvd., Arcata, Humboldt County. (CK-A) SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS at de Novo Hearing
    See Agenda Categories. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See Agenda Categories) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.
    1. Application No. 1-14-0249 (Humboldt Bay Harbor District, Humboldt Co.)
      Application of Humboldt Bay Harbor District to remove Spartina densiflora infestations from approximately 1,400 acres of tidal marsh within Humboldt Bay, Eel River Delta, and Mad River Estuary, Humboldt County. (MBK-A) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    2. Application No. 1-14-1590 (Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Humboldt Co.)
      Application of Pacific Gas & Electric Co. for lot line adjustment of 3 existing parcels that include PG&E's existing Humboldt Bay Power Plant and surrounding lands, at 1000 King Salmon Ave., King Salmon, Humboldt County. (KS-A) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's San Francisco office at (415) 904-5260. APPROVED
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Appeal No. A-2-SMC-10-016 (McGregor, San Mateo Co.) CORRESPONDENCE
      Appeal by Commissioners Blank and Bloom of San Mateo County decision granting permit with conditions to Paul McGregor for construction of single-family home with attached garage, barn, new septic system, 3 new water tanks and conversion of agricultural well to domestic well in San Gregorio, at intersection of Highway 1 and Stage Road, San Mateo County (RTA-SF) SUBSTANTIAL ISSUE FOUND, APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS at de Novo Hearing
    See Agenda Categories. An Amendment below may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed like other Consent Calendar items (See above) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of 3 or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner material amendments are processed.
    1. Permit No. 1-98-057-A3 (California Department of Transportation, Half Moon Bay)
      Request by Caltrans to amend permit to allow for placement of 175 linear feet of rock slope protection and reconstruction of 400 linear feet of public access path to connect to California Coastal Trail at Surfers Beach, Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County. (RTA-SF) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS


    Report by Deputy Director on permit waivers, emergency permits, immaterial amendments & extensions, LCP matters not requiring public hearings, and on comments from the public. For specific information contact the Commission's Santa Cruz office at (831) 427-4863. NO OBJECTION TO CONCURRENCE
  2. CONSENT CALENDAR (removed from Regular Calendar).
    See Agenda Categories .
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Santa Cruz County LCP Amendment No. LCP-3-SCO-14-0817-1 Part B (Sign Exceptions). Certification Review.
      Concurrence with the Executive Director's determination that the action by Santa Cruz County accepting certification of 3-SCO-14-0817-1 Part B with modifications (sign exceptions) is legally adequate. (RM-SC) APPROVED
    2. Pismo Beach LCP Amendment No. LCP-3-PSB-14-0830-3 (PDP and Affordable Housing).
      Public hearing and action on request by City of Pismo Beach to amend the LCP to define "Coastal Resources," add a Planned Development Permit, and identify affordable housing as a permitted secondary use in the C-1 zoning district. (KK-SC) APPROVED WITH MODIFICATIONS
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Appeal No. A-3-MCO-15-0023 (Cisar, Monterey Co.)
      Appeal by Carmel Riviera Mutual Water Company of Monterey County decision granting permit with conditions to Vincent Cisar to drill irrigation well, at 30 Mentone Dr. in unincorporated Carmel, Monterey County. (JO-SC) POSTPONED
    See Agenda Categories. Attention: Items appearing in this section of the agenda may be moved to the Consent Calendar for this area by the Executive Director when, prior to taking up the Consent Calendar, staff and the applicant are in agreement on the staff recommendation. If an item is moved to the Consent Calendar it will be processed in the same manner as other Consent Calendar items (See Agenda Categories) except that if that item is subsequently removed from the Consent Calendar by a vote of three or more commissioners, the item will be acted upon at the meeting in the order in which it originally appears on this Meeting Notice and in the manner Coastal Permit Applications are processed. The purpose of this procedural change is to expedite the Commission's coastal development permit process.

    Item F21a, shares a combined staff report and will be heard through a combined hearing.

    1. Application Nos. A-3-SCO-09-001 and A-3-SCO-09-002 (Frank, et al., Santa Cruz Co.) CORRESPONDENCE
      Applications of Neil Frank (Lot 1); Arnold Land Company, LLC (Lot 2) and Baltimore Land Company (Lot 3) to construct two 2-story single-family homes with associated improvements on Lots 1 and 2 and with associated improvements on portion of Lot 3 and provide conservation easement over remainder of Lot 3, on bluff above Hidden Beach in unincorporated Aptos area of Santa Cruz County. (RM-SC) APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS
    See Agenda Categories .
    1. Santa Cruz County LCP Amendment No. LCP-3-SCO-14-0833-2 (Seacliff Village Plan).
      Consideration of findings for Commission's April 16, 2015 approval of amendment to LCP’s Seacliff Village Plan to change land use and zoning designations (from commercial to residential use) for parcel located at northwest corner of intersection of Hillcrest Dr. and State Park Dr. in unincorporated Seacliff Village area of Santa Cruz County. (RM-SC) APPROVED


  1. Future Agenda Items.
    Discussion of potential future agenda items. (CL-SF)



The next meetings of the Coastal Commission are
July 8-10, in Ventura and August 12-14, in San Diego.

Agenda Categories

ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATIONS. If a person objects to issuance of an administrative permit or permit conditions, that person is allowed 3 minutes to request removal of the application from the administrative calendar. If four or more Commissioners vote to remove an item from this calendar, the approval is revoked, and the application will be scheduled for action at a later meeting.

COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. The Commission may vote at the conclusion of the public hearing, or it may continue the matter to a subsequent meeting. Time limits are determined by the Chair but generally are 15 minutes combined total time per side. The applicant may reserve some time for rebuttal after the opponents speak.

CONSENT CALENDAR. Three minutes will be allowed each side to address the Commission on whether to remove an application from this calendar. It takes 3 or more Commissioners to remove an item from the consent calendar, in which case it will be scheduled for further hearing & action at a later meeting.

ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Public hearing and action on proposed Cease and Desist Orders, Restoration Orders, and recordation of Notices of Violation.


FINDINGS. Public hearing and vote to approve findings for a previous Commission action. The only issue is whether the findings adequately support the previous Commission action. The hearing is not to reargue the merits of the prior action.

LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAMS (LCPs). LCPs consisting of a land use plan and implementation plan are prepared by local governments and provide the standards for issuing coastal permits after approval by the Commission. Copies of LCP reports are available on request from the Commission office. Oral testimony may be limited to 5 minutes or less for each speaker, depending on the number wishing to be heard. Copies of all correspondence will be provided to the Commission.

NEW APPEALS. (Note: This agenda item requires an initial determination of whether the appeal raises a 'substantial issue' and may not include a de novo public hearing on the merits of the project.)

When staff recommends 'substantial issue,' a public hearing on the question will only be held if 3 or more Commissioners ask for it. If three Commissioners do not request a hearing on 'substantial issue' the matter automatically proceeds to de novo public hearing either at this or a later Commission meeting. If staff recommends 'no substantial issue,' public testimony will be taken only on the question whether the appeal raises a 'substantial issue.' Generally and at the discretion of the Chair, testimony is limited to 3 minutes total per side.

If the Commission finds "substantial issue" and there is no staff recommendation on the merits of the project, the de novo hearing will be scheduled for a subsequent meeting.

PERMIT AMENDMENTS or EXTENSIONS. Public hearing and action on requests to amend or extend permits previously issued by the Commission.

RECONSIDERATIONS. Public hearing and action to reconsider previous actions.

VOTING on APPLICATIONS. Hearing and action on coastal development permits continued from a previous meeting. The time limits are 5 minutes combined total time per side, and the applicant may reserve time for rebuttal.

Meeting Rules & Procedures

SPEAKER SIGN-UP & TIME LIMITS. If you wish to speak, please fill out a 'Request to Speak' form and give it to a staff person. Forms are available near the door to the meeting room. Time limits are indicated on the back of speaker sign-up forms, and under 'agenda categories' later in this summary. Generally, the Chair will determine time limits for each individual speaker and for organized presentations.

SUGGESTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN MATERIALS. Written materials should be submitted to Commission staff no later than three working days before the hearing. In the upper right hand corner of the first page of your submittal please identify the agenda item number. Please summarize your position in two or three pages. You may attach any exhibits you feel are necessary. Please Note: You are discouraged from submitting written materials to the Commission on the day of the hearing, unless they are visual aids. It is difficult for Commissioners to carefully consider late submittals.

LOCATION OF MEETINGS. The Commission meets once a month in different locations of the State in order to facilitate public participation. Staff attempts, whenever possible, to schedule matters for hearings that will be relatively close to the location of a proposed development. However, legal deadlines for action may require that the hearing on an item take place in a different area than the proposed project.

NO FAXs will be accepted at the meeting site. You may be able to make prior arrangements with staff or a Commissioner to send a fax, but you will be responsible for paying the hotel or meeting site for its receipt.

CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Government Code Section 84308 requires Commissioners to disqualify themselves from voting on any matter if they have received a campaign contribution of more than $250 from an interested party. If you intend to speak on any hearing item, please indicate on your speaker slip and/or in your testimony, if you have made campaign contributions of more than $250 to any Commissioner within the last year, and if so, to which Commissioners you contributed.

CONTACTS with COMMISSIONERS. . Written materials sent to Commissioners must also be sent to staff at the same time. All non-procedural communications must become part of the record. For a summary of these ex parte communication requirements, please visit

PUBLIC STATEMENTS ABOUT ITEMS NOT ON THIS AGENDA. At the start of the meeting or those unable to attend the early comment period, there may be time for public statements about Commission work other than items that are pending before the Commission. Persons wishing to speak should fill out a sign-up slip, and limit presentations to 3 minutes. You may always submit written comments to the Commission office, and copies will be distributed to Commissioners. Please note that on the final day of the meeting, public comment will only be heard at some time prior to adjournment for the day.

WHEN WILL MY AGENDA ITEM BE HEARD? It is not possible to predict how quickly the Commission will complete agenda items or how many will be postponed to a later date. The Commission begins each session at the time listed on the Meeting Notice and considers each item in the sequence listed, except in extraordinary circumstances. The Commission may consider an item even though interested persons are not present.

STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. A written staff report is available for most items on this agenda. At the end of the agenda description the author's initials and a code indicating his/her headquarters office are identified (A=Arcata SF=San Francisco SC=Santa Cruz V=Ventura LB=Long Beach SD=San Diego). Staff reports are usually distributed 10 days before the meeting. Staff reports for any item on this Meeting Notice are generally available on the Commission's website. Paper copies are also available upon request.

VISUAL PRESENTATIONS/MATERIALS. Powerpoint presentations must be accompanied by a USB flash drive, flash memory card, or compact disk. All electronic formats must be PC compatible. Files created on a Mac might not be supported. It is recommended that a hard copy of any electronic presentation be submitted in case of technical difficulties. A slide projector & laptop will be available from our audio-visual technician, and they can assist you in its use. All materials exhibited to the Commission during the hearing (slides, maps, etc.) are part of the public record and must be kept by the Commission for 60 days after final Commission action on the matter. Your materials will be returned upon written request unless needed for judicial review.

PUBLIC & ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS. Some public records for agenda items are available for inspection at the meeting, and are available in the Commission office. Please call to make an appointment to see any file you are interested in. If you decide to challenge a final decision of the Commission in Court, please request preparation of the administrative record by letter to the Administrative Records Section at the Commission office in San Francisco, and indicate in your letter a description of the agenda item and date(s) of Commission action.

CLOSED SESSION. At any time during the meeting the Commission may meet to consider personnel matters or litigation in a session closed to the public pursuant to the attorney-client privilege and statutory exemption to the Open Meeting Act (Government Code § 11126e).

ACCESS TO HEARINGS. The hearings are wheelchair accessible. If accommodation for other disabilities is required, please call (415) 904-5200.


For more information about this agenda, contact one of the following district offices:

District Staff Member Address Public Number
North Coast District Bob Merrill 1385 8 th Street, Suite 130
Arcata, CA 95521
North Central Coast District Nancy Cave 45 Fremont Street Suite 2000
San Francisco CA 94105-2219
Central Coast District Susan Craig 725 Front Street Suite 300
Santa Cruz CA 95060-4508
South Central Coast District Steve Hudson 89 S. California Street Suite 200
Ventura CA 93001-2801
South Coast District Teresa Henry 200 Oceangate 10th Floor
Long Beach CA 90802-4325
San Diego Coast District Deborah Lee 7575 Metropolitan Drive Ste. 103
San Diego, CA 92108-4402
Energy, Ocean Resources
& Federal Consistency
Alison Dettmer 45 Fremont Street Suite 2000
San Francisco CA 94105-2219
Headquarters/Statewide Vanessa Miller 45 Fremont Street Suite 2000
San Francisco CA 94105-2219

A Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available by contacting the California Relay Services at 711.