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Documents Relating to
Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
 Oil and Gas Lease Suspension
Consistency Determinations

The documents below were submitted to the California Coastal Commission by the United States Minerals Management Service (MMS), Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region. There are ten consistency determinations from MMS in response to lessee requests for oil and gas lease term suspensions.

A suspension of an oil and gas lease has the effect of extending a lease to allow the lessee to facilitate development of the lease. Without a lease suspension, the lease's term will expire soon and no oil and gas development from the lease would occur. In California v. Norton, the court ordered MMS pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act, 16 U.S.C. Section 1456(c)(1), to provide the Coastal Commission with consistency determinations in response to lessee requests for lease suspensions. The MMS may grant the suspension requests if the Coastal Commission concurs in MMS's determination that the lease suspensions are consistent with California's Coastal Management Program.

See also the California Coastal Commission Letter of April 22, 2005 to the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS), Pacific OCS Region Regarding Information Adequacy of the Oil and Gas Lease Suspension Consistency Determinations submitted by the MMS on April 7, 2005

These consistency determinations are scheduled to be heard before the Commission at our June meeting. Recommended findings should be posted by May 27.

Below you will also find additional documents submitted with the consistency determinations.

Individuals who wish hard copies or CD-ROMs of documents below may contact Janice Hall from the Minerals Management Service at (800) 672-2627.

Consistency Determination[s] for Granting a Suspension of Production for:

Consistency Determination for Granting a Suspension of Operations for:

Environmental Information Document for Post-Suspension Activities on the Nine Federal Undeveloped Units and Lease OCS-P 0409, Offshore Santa Barbara, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo Counties, prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Pacific Outer Continental Shelf Region by Aspen Environmental Group, January 2005. (25 MB) [This document applies to all of the above consistency determinations.]

Environmental Assessment[s] (Final) for the Minerals Management Service to Grant Suspensions of Production for:

Environmental Assessment (Final) for the Minerals Management Service to Grant Suspensions of Operation for:

Suspension of Production Requests:

Suspension of Operation Request:

Suspension Clarification Letters from MMS (.9 MB)

Maps from the Minerals Management Service: