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Agenda Categories

Below are described the standard categories of agenda items.

ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATIONS. If a person objects to issuance of an administrative permit or permit conditions, that person is allowed 3 minutes to request removal of the application from the administrative calendar. If four or more Commissioners vote to remove an item from this calendar, the approval is revoked, and the application will be scheduled for action at a later meeting.

COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. The Commission may vote at the conclusion of the public hearing, or it may continue the matter to a subsequent meeting. Time limits are determined by the Chair but generally are 15 minutes combined total time per side. The applicant may reserve some time for rebuttal after the opponents speak.

CONSENT CALENDAR. Three minutes will be allowed to each side to address the Commission on whether to remove an application from this calendar. It takes 3 or more Commissioners to remove an item from the consent calendar, in which case it will be scheduled for further hearing & action at a later meeting.

ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Public hearing and action on proposed Cease and Desist Orders, Restoration Orders, and recordation of Notices of Violation.


LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAMS (LCPs). LCPs consisting of a land use plan and implementation plan are prepared by local governments and provide the standards for issuing coastal permits after approval by the Commission. Copies of LCP reports are available on request from the Commission office. Oral testimony may be limited to 5 minutes or less for each speaker, depending on the number wishing to be heard. Copies of all correspondence will be provided to the Commission.

NEW APPEALS. (Note: This agenda item requires an initial determination of whether the appeal raises a “substantial issue” and may not include a de novo public hearing on the merits of the project.)

When staff recommends “substantial issue,” a public hearing on the question will only be held if 3 or more Commissioners ask for it. If three Commissioners do not request a hearing on “substantial issue” the matter automatically proceeds to de novo public hearing either at this or a later Commission meeting. If staff recommends “no substantial issue,” public testimony will be taken only on the question whether the appeal raises a “substantial issue.” Generally and at the discretion of the Chair, testimony is limited to 3 minutes total per side.

If the Commission finds “substantial issue” and there is no staff recommendation on the merits of the project, the de novo hearing will be scheduled for a subsequent meeting.

PERMIT AMENDMENTS or EXTENSIONS. Public hearing and action on requests to amend or extend permits previously issued by the Commission.

RECONSIDERATIONS. Public hearing and action to reconsider previous actions.

REVISED FINDINGS. Public hearing and vote to approve revised findings for a previous Commission action. The only issue is whether the findings adequately reflect the Commission action. The hearing is not to reargue the merits of the prior action.

VOTING on APPLICATIONS. Hearing and action on coastal development permits continued from a previous meeting. The time limits are 5 minutes combined total time per side, and the applicant may reserve time for rebuttal.