Right Column
Publications, Data, and Maps by Subject
Aerial Photography
- Notice of Availability of 1994 Coastal Zone Aerial Photography. California Coastal Commission, Technical Services Division. March 22, 1996
Beach Sand Replenishment
- Report on In-Lieu Fee Beach Sand Mitigation Program: San Diego County, California Coastal Commission, January 1997 (revised September, 1997)
Clean Boating (see also our Clean Boating Program pages)
California Coastal Commission
- Update on the Status of the Coastal Commission’s Budget at Year End FY 07-08 and Pending Budget for FY 08-09
- California Coastal Commission: Why it Exists and What it Does. See it in PDF or e-mail us to request a free copy.
- The California Coastal Commission Permit Appeal Process: Frequently Asked Questions [PDF]
- Updated 2006 Assessment of the California Coastal Management Program (CCMP) [DRAFT for Public Review and Comment]
- Final Evaluation Findings for the California Coastal Management Program, December 1996 through May 2001 (from the U.S. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management)
- Workshop on Conflict of Interest, Bias, and Related Issues (PowerPoint presentation given at the California Coastal Commission Meeting on Thursday, June 9, 2005)
- California Coastal Management Program Notices & Documents:
- Notice of Proposed Change to the California Coastal Management Program, December 22, 2003
- Notice of Proposed Change to the California Coastal Management Program, March 28, 2003
- Final Evaluation Findings for the California Coastal Management Program, December 1996 through May 2001 (from the U.S. Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management)
- United States Department of Commerce combined state of California coastal management program (segment) and final environmental impact statement / prepared by Office of Coastal Zone Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and California Coastal Commission, 1977
- California Supreme Court decision decision in Marine Forests Society et al. v. California Coastal Commission et al.:.
- Peter Douglas, our previous Executive Director: information about him
California Coastal Commission Strategic Plan (2013-2018)
Climate (See also the California Government Climate Change portal)
- Questions and Answers on El Niño , California Coastal Commission (includes preparedness checklists for shoreline property , slope protection & preparedness , and general property preparedness ), 1997.
The latest volume in our series of coastal guides is now available! This volume,
Beaches and Parks from San Francisco to Monterey, includes
The third volume in our series of coastal guides is now available! Each in this series is devoted to a portion of the coast. This volume includes sections on Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties. Here is the cover of this latest volume:
Take a peek at
sample pages from the Los Angeles County chapter and then
find out more! Below is the cover
of the second volume in this series. Below is the cover
of the first volume in this series. |
Coastal Access (see also our Coastal Access Program pages.)
- Annual Report of the Conservation/Open Space OTD (Offers-to-Dedicate) Program, December 2010
Broad Beach Public Shoreline Access Guide, California Coastal Commission, Public
Access Program, July 2004.
This is in PDF. To read/print this, you need the free Adobe Reader. To get it, click here. - California Coastal Access Guide, California Coastal Commission, published by University of California Press, 2003 [Updated edition].
Capistrano Beach (Dana Point) Shoreline Access Guide
- Carbon Beach Public Access Easement Guide - Malibu, CA
- Completing the California Coastal Trail [12 MB], California Coastal Conservancy, January 2003 and California Coastal Trail maps [in PDF, 7.25 MB], California Coastal Commission, et al.
Happy trails to you : how to accept and manage offers to dedicate access
easements, California Coastal Conservancy and California Coastal
Commission, 1997
[in PDF] - Limitations on Liability for Nonprofit Land Managers, California Coastal Conservancy and California Coastal Commission, 1997 [in PDF]
- Orange County Beach Access Map, (includes detailed descriptions, facilities and parking information)
- Public Access Action Plan (June 1999)
- Status of Vertical Accessways Acquired by California Coastal Commission Actions 1973 to 2011, December 2011
Coastal Zone Management
- Coastal Stewardship - Vision 2020 Hindsight, Insight, Foresight presented by Peter Douglas at The Coastal Society 16th International Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, July 12, 1998.
- Condominium-Hotel Development in the Coastal Zone Memorandum, December 2006
- Seawater Desalination And the California Coastal Act. March, 2004
- International Trade and Investment Rules and State Regulation of Desalination Facilities, prepared by The Harrison Institute for Public Law Georgetown University Law Center at the request of the California Coastal Commission, March 2004
Enforcement Program
- Coastal Commission, Del Mar Fairgrounds Reach Historic Agreement (Press Release, March 8, 2012)
- Coastal Commission Announces Agreement to Restore Damage to a Historic Native American Village Site (January 11, 2012)
- Judge Upholds Coastal Commission Order To Remove Private Encroachments From Public Access Easements (Press Release, July 12, 2011)
- Enforcement Program Annual Report 2004, California Coastal Commission.
- Enforcement Program Report to the Commission, March 2003
Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area
Federal Consistency (See also our Federal Consistency Program pages.)
(Comments regarding proposed federal rule changes):
- Cover letter from the California Coastal Commission and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
- Detailed Letter from the California Coastal Commission and the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
- Link to Additional Comments from Governor Gray Davis, Attorney General Bill Lockyer, Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, Members of California Congressional Delegation, Assemblymember Hannah Beth Jackson, and Santa Barbara County (on NOAA's web site)
Local Coastal Programs (See also our Resources for Local Governments pages and our Local Coastal Program Periodic Reviews.)
- Local Coastal Program (LCP) Post-Certification Guide for Coastal cities and Counties , revised May 6, 2002 [in PDF]
- LCP Status Summary Chart [In PDF]
- City of Malibu Local Coastal Program/Land Use Plan, adopted by the California Coastal Commission on September 13, 2002
- City of Malibu Local Coastal Program LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN , adopted by the California Coastal Commission on September 13, 2002
- the zoning, ESHA overlay and other LCP maps (Final Version)
- Malibu Post-LCP Jurisdiction Maps (Final Version)
Marine Life
- See background materials about the proposed seismic survey project (in state and federal waters offshore from the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant)
- California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative Revised Draft Master Plan Framework (from the California Dept. of Fish and Game)
Coastal Catch: ‘Marine Forests' Ignores the History, Purpose of State’s Separation of Powers Clause (Article by Peter Douglas, Executive Director)
- Coastal Commission Comments on the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Mammals, Statement for The Report of the Advisory Committee on Acoustic Impacts on Marine Mammals to the Marine Mammal Commission
Navy Sonar
- Press Release: Coastal Commission Sues U.S. Navy Over Use Of Undersea Sonar Activities (March 22, 2007)
- California Coastal Commission v. U.S. Dept. of the Navy... (Text of the complaint filed in U.S. Federal District Court)
- Letter from the U.S. Navy Regarding their Position on Coastal Commission Consistency Determination Conditions on Use of Sonar
Natural Disasters
- The Tōhoku Tsunami of March 11, 2011: a Preliminary Report on Effects to the California Coast and Planning Implications, April 2011
- The Tōhoku [Japan] Earthquake of March 11, 2011: a Preliminary Report on Implications for Coastal California, April 2011 (Revised April 18, 2011)
- Natural History of Fire & Flood Cycles. Prepared as a presentation to the Post-Fire Hazard Assessment Planning and Mitigation Workshop at the University of California, Santa Barbara, August 18, 1995
- Wildfire Hazards Survey in the California Coastal Zone. California Coastal Commission, June, 1995
Oil & Gas
- California Offshore Oil & Gas Leasing and Development Status Report
- Documents related to the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Exploration Lease Suspension Consistency Determinations submitted by the U.S. Minerals Management Service on April 7, 2005
- Documents Relevant to the OCS Oil Leases:
- California Offshore Oil & Gas Leasing and Development Status Report
- Text of OCS Complaint filed in Federal Court
- Letter to Walt Rosenbusch, Director U.S. Minerals Management Service (11/12/1999)
- LNG Hazards and Safety Implications: presentation slides from the California Coastal Commission Meeting
Workshop on April 14, 2005:
- Estimating the Consequences of a Liquefied Natural Gas Spill: slides from presentation by Dr. Thomas O. Spicer, III, of the Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Hazards Research Center, University of Arkansas
- California Pipeline Safety: slides from presentation by Raymond G. Fugere of the California Public Utilities Commission
- Summary: Guidance on Risk Analysis and Safety Implications of a Large Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Spill Over Water: slides from presentation by Mike Hightower of the Sandia National Laboratories
- Extent of Thermal Hazards Predicted in Four Recent LNG Carrier Spill Studies: slides from presentation by Mike Hightower of the Sandia National Laboratories
- Slides from the Presentation given by Lt. J.W. Russell of the U.S. Coast Guard
Long Beach LNG Import Project, FERC Docket No. CP04-58-000, et al./POLB Application No, HDP 03-079: Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (“EIS/EIR”)
- Peter Douglas, our previous Executive Director: information about him
- See the
press release: Coastal Commission Mourns the Passage of Peter
Douglas. April 3, 2012
See statements from Chair Shallenberger, Executive Director Lester and Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg - Coastal Stewardship - Vision 2020 Hindsight, Insight, Foresight presented by Peter Douglas at The Coastal Society 16th International Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, July 12, 1998.
- Coastal Catch: ‘Marine Forests' Ignores the History, Purpose of State’s Separation of Powers Clause (Article by Peter Douglas, Executive Director)
Press Releases & Communications
Press Release: Court of Appeals Upholds
Coastal Commission Action to Provide New Public
Beach Access in Malibu (August 30,
See the court decision. - Coastal Commission, Del Mar Fairgrounds Reach Historic Agreement (Press Release, March 8, 2012)
- Coastal Commission Announces Agreement to Restore Damage to a Historic Native American Village Site (January 11, 2012)
- Press Release: Judge Awards Coastal Commission $3.9 Million, Orders Illegal Development Removed
- Press Release: Court Rejects Coastal Complaint -- Judge finds no evidence of trespass, civil rights or “takings”
- Update on the Status of the Coastal Commission’s Budget at Year End FY 07-08 and Pending Budget for FY 08-09
- Press Release: California Coastal Commission Initiates Enforcement Action Against 5 Property Owners Who Illegally Bulldozed Sand Dunes in Newport Beach
- Governor's Press Release: Governor Schwarzenegger Appoints Three Members of the California Coastal Commission, May 25, 2004
- Press Release: Coastal Commission Chair Applauds Action to Protect Coastal Resources
- Press Release: California Coastal Commission Applauds U.S. Supreme Court Refusal To Hear Appeals Of Cases Upholding Public Access
- Letter to City of Malibu City Attorney Regarding Coastal Development Permits
- Letter to Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Comment on Proposed Federal Rule Change Regarding Geologic and Seismologic Characteristics for Siting and Design of Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSI) and Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) Installations.
- Press Release: California Coastal Commission Obtains $25,000 Penalty to Open Public Access Trail in Asilomar Dunes
Procedural Guidance
- Procedural Guidance for Evaluating Wetland Mitigation Projects in California's Coastal Zone. California Coastal Commission. September, 1995
- Procedural Guidance for the Review of Wetland Projects in California's Coastal Zone. California Coastal Commission. June 15, 1994.
- Procedural Guidance Document: Monitoring [Shoreline Protection and Beach Nourishment Projects], California Coastal Commission, January, 1997
- Land Form Alteration Policy Guidance. Prepared by the staff of the California Coastal Commission as part of a Project of Special Merit for the Office of Coastal Resources Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. March 1994
Regulations (See also our Laws, Regulations, and legislative Information pages.)
- Repair, Maintenance and Utility Hook-Up Exclusions from Permit Requirements (Adopted September 5, 1978)
- California Beach Restoration Study (from the California Dept. of Boating and Waterways and the State Coastal Conservancy)
- State of California Coastal Impact Assistance Program Draft Plan (from the California Resources Agency)
- Restoration of Unpermitted Development within the California Coastal Zone. Prepared as a presentation to the Society for Ecological Restoration Conference, Seattle, Washington, September, 1995.
SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station)
The Commission’s technical oversight and independent monitoring program provides for periodic review of the status and performance of the SONGS mitigation projects.
On the UCSB SONGS Mitigation site, you can find background information as well as a collection of project documents, images, information about SONGS staff and public workshops.
Below are documents we house on our site.
- Public Workshop on the San Dieguito Wetland Restoration Project (February 18, 2004). Slide presentations made at the workshop sessions are:
- Introduction (Schroeter, General Session)
- Wetland Status (Kay, General Session)
Wetland Status (Tanious, Technical Session)- Effect of Restoration-Human Health (Ambrose, Technical Session)
- Wetland Monitoring (Page, General Session)
Wetland Monitoring (Page, Technical Session)- Coastal Trail (Carter, General and Technical Sessions)
- Least Terns (Loeffler, Technical Session)
- Final Report on the Findings and Recommendations of the Experimental Phase of the SONGS Artificial Reef Mitigation Project (August 1, 2005)
- Proceedings from the Fourth Annual Public Workshop of the SONGS Mitigation Project Condition C: Kelp Forest Mitigation (March 18, 2004) [7.7MB]
- Proceedings from the Second Annual Public Workshop for the SONGS [San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station] Mitigation Project (February 27, 2002)
- 2010
Annual Report of the Status of Condition C: Kelp Reef Mitigation (posted
February 6, 2012)
Notice Of Technical Review Workshop for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS): Wheeler North Reef Mitigation Project, April 9, 2012
Sea Level Rise
Trails (See also our Coastal Trails page.)
Happy trails to you : how to accept and manage offers to dedicate access
easements, California Coastal Conservancy and California Coastal
Commission, 1997
[File size is 26.6 MB] [in PDF]
Tsunami Workshop from the September 2005 Coastal Commission Meeting. [This Workshop Agenda contains links to PowerPoint presentations given that day.]
The Tōhoku [Japan] Earthquake of March 11, 2011: a Preliminary Report on Implications for Coastal California, April 2011 (revised April 8, 2011)
Volunteering (See also our Public Education pages.)
- Marine, Coastal & Watershed Resource Directory (Find groups & organizations.)
Water Quality (See also our Water Quality pages.)
- Nonpoint Source Program Strategy and Implementation Plan, 1998-2013 (Volume I) and Volume II: California Management Measures for Polluted Runoff [Public Review Draft Document]
- W.A.T.E.R. (Watershed Analysis Tool for Environmental Review) -- GIS data layers, satellite images and scanned aerial photographs covering much of the California Central Coast