The items listed below may be coming before the Commission during the next few months. Publication of this list is provided for the purpose of facilitating public participation in the Commission's activities and is not required by law. The list's inclusion in this Meeting Notice also does not constitute, nor substitute for any of the notice requirements contained in the Coastal Act and Commission regulations. Also, please be aware that the details of a submittal may change as staff review proceeds, and that not all submittals of potential significance may appear on the listing below.

Energy, Ocean Resources & Federal Consistency UNIT

North Coast District

  • Caltrans, Blues Beach Land Transfer Project, Mendocino County.
    Application of the California Department of Transportation to (1) divide 172 acres of state property for the purpose of transferring 136 acres of coastal bluff and beach lands to Kai Poma, a non-profit organization composed of three federally recognized Tribes, and (2) authorize implementation of a public access management plan on the property by Kai Poma for public access, cultural resources protection, and natural resource preservation, on the west side of State Highway 1, approximately 12 miles north of Fort Bragg and 2 miles south of Westport.

North Central Coast District

  • City of San Francisco Ocean Beach Climate Adaptation Project.
    City of San Francisco proposal to permanently close the Great Highway between Sloat Boulevard and Fort Funston, with installation of various public access improvements, including a multi-use trail in the decommissioned roadway, and install wastewater infrastructure protections at the western shoreline of San Francisco, or South Ocean Beach.
  • City of Daly City Vista Grande Infrastructure
    City of Daly City proposal to modify stormwater and wastewater infrastructure in the northern part of Daly City and into San Francisco, including new engineered structures (including on the beach), bioengineered elements (including created water quality wetlands), and modifications to lake levels and management at Lake Merced.
  • Mussel Rock Landfill Adaptation Planning
    Review of the City of Daly City’s CDP-required condition compliance report regarding options for addressing the future of the Mussel Rock landfill in Daly City in light of coastal hazards.
  • City of Pacifica LUP Update
    City of Pacific’s proposal to replace the LUP originally certified with a new and updated LUP, including updated provisions regarding coastal hazards related to addressing adequate bluff and shoreline setbacks for new and redevelopment, shoreline protective devices, and sea level rise.
  • Costanoa Resort Changes
    Proposal to modify allowed overnight accommodations mixes, and to install complementary improvements (some after-the-fact), at the Costanoa Resort downcoast of Pescadero in unincorporated San Mateo County.

Central Coast District

South Central Coast District

  • Appeal No. A-4-MAL-19-0188 (Southern California Edison, Malibu)
    Appeal of a City of Malibu Coastal Development Permit for construction of a temporary utility laydown and staging yard for critical fire prevention infrastructure repairs constructed pursuant to two emergency coastal development permits at 23833 Stuart Ranch Road in the City of Malibu.

South Coast District

  • Application No. 5-21-0866 (OCTA & SCRRA, San Clemente).
    Application of Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) and Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA or Metrolink) to retain a total of approximately 26,500 tons of riprap along 700-foot-long revetment south and 300-foot-long revetment north of the pedestrian underpass (Mile Post 206.75) that extends approximately 25 – 28 feet seaward from the west side of the railroad track as a follow-up to emergency CDP Nos. G-5-22-0039, G-5-21-0057, and G-5-22-0034; to retain two rows of 118 tiebacks for a total of 236 tiebacks approximately 133-feet into the bluff face, approximately 700 linear feet of two rows of buried grade beams, and slope restoration east of the railroad track at Mile Post 206.8 as a follow-up to emergency CDP No. G-5-22-0035; and for an after-the-fact request to retain 420 tons of riprap west of the railroad track between Mile Posts 206.6 to 207.1

San Diego District