Right Column
2009 Coastal Art & Poetry Contest Winners

"California Snowy Plover on Sand"
Clarissa Wang, 2nd grade, Morgan Hill
While the Pelicans Peep and
the Bees Buzz,
the Whales Blow like
Fireworks in the Midnight Sky.While the Waves Collapse and
the Coast side Rumbles,
While the Sand Shines,
The Starfish Sticks
To the beautiful rock that looks
Richer than Gold.The Sand with its Golden Brown Color
and its Wonderful Shine,
Sparkles in the sun.The Noise of the Ocean rumbles,
Like an Earthquake in the West.The Beautiful Sun Sets,
Right in the Middle of the Beach.I Run and Reach Out,
To Catch the Sun, but
It Sinks In The Sea.I always say maybe Next Time,
I'll Catch the Sun.Dominique Hauscarriague, 3rd grade, Pacifica
View the 2009 Honorable Mentions
Grades 4-6
"Hunting for Fish"
Dutonne Chong, 5th grade, Arcadia
"The Moon Is Full"
There's still time to change the road you're on
The moon is full
pulling and pushing
the silent tide
I am alone
walking along the beach
feet crunching
the grainy sand
the salty air
tingling my nose
No one to talk to
but the brave crabs
that trample my
I feel distant
a nobody
A light flickers up ahead
My feet tell me to
turn around but
I keep going
I hear
I speed up until
I can hear the wind
brushing my face
Heat floods
my refrigerated
In front of my eyes
is a bon-fire with people
singing and playing guitar
and telling stories
I join them
I feel full
like the moon
Jules Schenkel, 6th grade, San Francisco
View the 2009 Honorable Mentions
Grades 7-9
"Puffins in Paradise"
Angela Hu, 9th grade, San Jose
fog rolls slowly in
and a chill rolls over the rocky terrain
they attempt to call a beach
waves beat blue and green over cold rocks
sending icy sprays up over my head
the roaring of the ocean
creates a silence
a place for my mind to wander
to go to other places
the problems and conflicts I suffer
are allowed to be forgotten
put aside for a short time
and I'll let the sound of the waves
take over
Laluna Rain Martin, 8th grade, Point Arena
View the 2009 Honorable Mentions
“A Cry for Help”
Yi-Ling Shen, 11th grade, Stockton
"The First Human"
I am told
that the ocean is dangerous.
I am told
to balance carefully on the shore
in pretty, airtight shoes.
But something ancient in me
makes me dive off the fishing pier
to feel my skin shrink
against my bones
and the salt settle
in my lashes
and my blood
race bluely through
its riverbeds.
I float on the glass surface,
by the reflections of clouds.
Beneath me
a dark city
murmurs in the kelp.
Crawling out onto the shore like
the first human,
I have white foam in my hair.
I have curling current in my stomach.
I refuse to fear anything
I do not understand.
Natasha Joyce Weidner, 12th grade, San Francisco