Please include day, month, year and item number
At a convenient time during the meeting, the Commission (CCC) will have a closed session to discuss items of pending litigation, including:The Commission is authorized to discuss these matters in a closed session pursuant to Government Code § 11126(e)(2)(A) and (2)(C). In addition, the Commission may consider matters which fall under Government Code § 11126(e)(2)(B) or (2)(C). The Commission may also consider personnel matters which fall under Government Code § 11126(a).
- Kretowicz v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A)
- Pacific Shores Property Owners Assn. et al. v. Cal. Dept. of Fish & Wildlife et al., Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A)
- Sea World LLC v. CCC, Govt. Code § 11126(e)(2)(A)
Reception. At the conclusion of the meeting on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, or at 5:30 p.m., whichever is later, the Commission will attend a reception hosted by the Maritime Museum of San Diego and the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce aboard the Steam Ferry Berkeley, 1492 N. Harbor Dr., San Diego (directly across the street from the Board Chambers). Members of the public are welcome; however space is limited. There is no cost for the reception.
Please Note: This is a social event for the Commission and the public. No lobbying, distribution of materials, signage, or other communication about Commission business should occur at the event.
The next meetings of the Coastal Commission are
February 10-12, 2016 in Central Coast and March 9-11, 2016, in South Coast Region.
ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT APPLICATIONS. If a person objects to issuance of an administrative permit or permit conditions, that person is allowed 3 minutes to request removal of the application from the administrative calendar. If four or more Commissioners vote to remove an item from this calendar, the approval is revoked, and the application will be scheduled for action at a later meeting.
COASTAL PERMIT APPLICATIONS. The Commission may vote at the conclusion of the public hearing, or it may continue the matter to a subsequent meeting. Time limits are determined by the Chair but generally are 15 minutes combined total time per side. The applicant may reserve some time for rebuttal after the opponents speak.
CONSENT CALENDAR. Three minutes will be allowed each side to address the Commission on whether to remove an application from this calendar. It takes 3 or more Commissioners to remove an item from the consent calendar, in which case it will be scheduled for further hearing & action at a later meeting.
ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. Public hearing and action on proposed Cease and Desist Orders, Restoration Orders, and recordation of Notices of Violation.
FINDINGS. Public hearing and vote to approve findings for a previous Commission action. The only issue is whether the findings adequately support the previous Commission action. The hearing is not to reargue the merits of the prior action.
LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAMS (LCPs). LCPs consisting of a land use plan and implementation plan are prepared by local governments and provide the standards for issuing coastal permits after approval by the Commission. Copies of LCP reports are available on request from the Commission office. Oral testimony may be limited to 5 minutes or less for each speaker, depending on the number wishing to be heard. Copies of all correspondence will be provided to the Commission.
NEW APPEALS. (Note: This agenda item requires an initial determination of whether the appeal raises a 'substantial issue' and may not include a de novo public hearing on the merits of the project.)
When staff recommends 'substantial issue,' a public hearing on the question will only be held if 3 or more Commissioners ask for it. If three Commissioners do not request a hearing on 'substantial issue' the matter automatically proceeds to de novo public hearing either at this or a later Commission meeting. If staff recommends 'no substantial issue,' public testimony will be taken only on the question whether the appeal raises a 'substantial issue.' Generally and at the discretion of the Chair, testimony is limited to 3 minutes total per side.
If the Commission finds "substantial issue" and there is no staff recommendation on the merits of the project, the de novo hearing will be scheduled for a subsequent meeting.
PERMIT AMENDMENTS or EXTENSIONS. Public hearing and action on requests to amend or extend permits previously issued by the Commission.
RECONSIDERATIONS. Public hearing and action to reconsider previous actions.
VOTING on APPLICATIONS. Hearing and action on coastal development permits continued from a previous meeting. The time limits are 5 minutes combined total time per side, and the applicant may reserve time for rebuttal.
SPEAKER SIGN-UP & TIME LIMITS. If you wish to speak, please fill out a 'Request to Speak' form and give it to a staff person. Forms are available near the door to the meeting room. Time limits are indicated on the back of speaker sign-up forms, and under 'agenda categories' later in this summary. Generally, the Chair will determine time limits for each individual speaker and for organized presentations.
SUGGESTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN MATERIALS. Written materials should be submitted to Commission staff no later than three working days before the hearing. In the upper right hand corner of the first page of your submittal please identify the agenda item number. Please summarize your position in two or three pages. You may attach any exhibits you feel are necessary. Please Note: You are discouraged from submitting written materials to the Commission on the day of the hearing, unless they are visual aids. It is difficult for Commissioners to carefully consider late submittals.
LOCATION OF MEETINGS. The Commission meets once a month in different locations of the State in order to facilitate public participation. Staff attempts, whenever possible, to schedule matters for hearings that will be relatively close to the location of a proposed development. However, legal deadlines for action may require that the hearing on an item take place in a different area than the proposed project.
NO FAXs will be accepted at the meeting site. You may be able to make prior arrangements with staff or a Commissioner to send a fax, but you will be responsible for paying the hotel or meeting site for its receipt.
CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. Government Code Section 84308 requires Commissioners to disqualify themselves from voting on any matter if they have received a campaign contribution of more than $250 from an interested party. If you intend to speak on any hearing item, please indicate on your speaker slip and/or in your testimony, if you have made campaign contributions of more than $250 to any Commissioner within the last year, and if so, to which Commissioners you contributed.
CONTACTS with COMMISSIONERS. . Written materials sent to Commissioners must also be sent to staff at the same time. All non-procedural communications must become part of the record. For a summary of these ex parte communication requirements, please visit
PUBLIC STATEMENTS ABOUT ITEMS NOT ON THIS AGENDA. At the start of the meeting or those unable to attend the early comment period, there may be time for public statements about Commission work other than items that are pending before the Commission. Persons wishing to speak should fill out a sign-up slip, and limit presentations to 3 minutes. You may always submit written comments to the Commission office, and copies will be distributed to Commissioners. Please note that on the final day of the meeting, public comment will only be heard at some time prior to adjournment for the day.
WHEN WILL MY AGENDA ITEM BE HEARD? It is not possible to predict how quickly the Commission will complete agenda items or how many will be postponed to a later date. The Commission begins each session at the time listed on the Meeting Notice and considers each item in the sequence listed, except in extraordinary circumstances. The Commission may consider an item even though interested persons are not present.
STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS. A written staff report is available for most items on this agenda. At the end of the agenda description the author's initials and a code indicating his/her headquarters office are identified (A=Arcata SF=San Francisco SC=Santa Cruz V=Ventura LB=Long Beach SD=San Diego). Staff reports are usually distributed 10 days before the meeting. Staff reports for any item on this Meeting Notice are generally available on the Commission's website. Paper copies are also available upon request.
VISUAL PRESENTATIONS/MATERIALS. Powerpoint presentations must be accompanied by a USB flash drive, flash memory card, or compact disk. All electronic formats must be PC compatible. Files created on a Mac might not be supported. It is recommended that a hard copy of any electronic presentation be submitted in case of technical difficulties. A slide projector & laptop will be available from our audio-visual technician, and they can assist you in its use. All materials exhibited to the Commission during the hearing (slides, maps, etc.) are part of the public record and must be kept by the Commission for 60 days after final Commission action on the matter. Your materials will be returned upon written request unless needed for judicial review.
PUBLIC & ADMINISTRATIVE RECORDS. Some public records for agenda items are available for inspection at the meeting, and are available in the Commission office. Please call to make an appointment to see any file you are interested in. If you decide to challenge a final decision of the Commission in Court, please request preparation of the administrative record by letter to the Administrative Records Section at the Commission office in San Francisco, and indicate in your letter a description of the agenda item and date(s) of Commission action.
CLOSED SESSION. At any time during the meeting the Commission may meet to consider personnel matters or litigation in a session closed to the public pursuant to the attorney-client privilege and statutory exemption to the Open Meeting Act (Government Code § 11126e).
ACCESS TO HEARINGS. The hearings are wheelchair accessible. If accommodation for other disabilities is required, please call (415) 904-5200.
For more information about this agenda, contact one of the following district offices:
District | Staff Member | Address | Public Number |
North Coast District | Bob Merrill | 1385 8 th Street, Suite 130
Arcata, CA 95521 |
707-826-8950 |
North Central Coast District | Nancy Cave | 45 Fremont Street Suite 2000
San Francisco CA 94105-2219 |
415-904-5260 |
Central Coast District | Susan Craig | 725 Front Street Suite 300
Santa Cruz CA 95060-4508 |
831-427-4863 |
South Central Coast District | Barbara Carey | 89 S. California Street Suite 200
Ventura CA 93001-2801 |
805-585-1800 |
South Coast District | Teresa Henry | 200 Oceangate 10th Floor
Long Beach CA 90802-4325 |
562-590-5071 |
San Diego Coast District | Deborah Lee | 7575 Metropolitan Drive Ste. 103
San Diego, CA 92108-4402 |
619-767-2370 |
Energy, Ocean Resources & Federal Consistency |
Alison Dettmer | 45 Fremont Street Suite 2000
San Francisco CA 94105-2219 |
415-904-5240 |
Headquarters/Statewide | Vanessa Miller | 45 Fremont Street Suite 2000
San Francisco CA 94105-2219 |
415-904-5200 |
A Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is available by contacting the California Relay Services at 711.