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The California Coastal Commission's Public Education Program works to increase public knowledge of coastal and marine resources and to engage the public in coastal protection and restoration activities. We offer a variety of conservation, education and community involvement programs. Visit the Public Education homepage to learn more. There is bound to be a program just right for you, so get involved!
California Coastal Commission
Public Education Department
455 Market Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 904-5200
Public Education Staff:
Annie Kohut Frankel, Public Education Manager, (415) 687-9953
Eben Schwartz, Outreach Manager, (415) 687-9993
Vivian Matuk, Boating Clean and Green Program Manager, (916) 764-0989
Luna Taylor, Outreach and Communications Analyst
Lauren Dung, Program Associate, (415) 687-9946
Matt Yurko, Restoration Education Coordinator, (949) 640-0286
Please note that email is the most efficient way to reach Public Education staff.
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