California Coastal Cleanup Day for Boating Facilities and Boating Groups

In 2024, over 47,000 participants scoured more than 750 cleanup sites, removing over 400,000 pounds of trash before it could be washed out to sea during the rainy season. Fifty three boating facilities and groups participated in the event with 3,345 volunteers collecting 43,366 pounds of trash and recyclables on land and from 193 kayaks, canoes, and dinghies.

The California Coastal Commission and the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways would like to thank the following boating facilities, coordinators and partners for their participation:

Marinas, yacht clubs, and other boating facilities and boating groups:

County Coordinators/Partners:

These organizations lent invaluable support to the boating facilities and the on-the-water cleanups.