How to Donate to the Protect Our Coast and Oceans Fund

En Español

Printable reminder sheet 
									with text stating, I would like to donate fill-in-the-blank $ to the Protect Our Coast & Oceans Fund on my 
									California State Tax Form. Print and keep this with your tax document for filing or give to your accountant. 
									Section 110, 424, on CA Individual Tax Form 540

The PROTECT OUR COAST AND OCEANS FUND is listed in the Voluntary Contributions section of the California state income tax return. Taxpayers can simply fill in a tax deductible donation amount in the box next to this fund, which is Code 424. You can donate any amount in whole dollars.

Select Code 424 for the Protect Our Coast and Oceans Fund

Where is the "Voluntary Contributions" section?

Near the end of the form, just before you total the amount you owe or will receive as a refund. On California Tax Form 540 and 540 NR you'll find the Voluntary Contributions on Side 4. On Form 540 2EZ they are on Side 3.

If you use Turbo Tax, there is a page that asks "Donate to a California Special Fund?" Click "Yes" and a page with the list of funds will come up. Halfway down the list find the PROTECT OUR COAST AND OCEANS FUND and enter your donation in the box. If you use H&R Block software, you will come to a page that says "Tell us about these last items to finish your California return." Check the box next to "I want to contribute to a California Fund" and a page with a list of funds will come up. Find the PROTECT OUR COAST AND OCEANS FUND and enter your donation in the box.

What if I use an accountant?

Notify your tax preparer that you would like to make a donation to the PROTECT OUR COAST AND OCEANS FUND!

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, your donation will be deductible on your 2025 federal tax return (if you itemize deductions).

What does my donation fund?

Contributions to this fund go back into communities through the Coastal Commission's WHALE TAIL® Grants program, which supports coastal education and stewardship of the California coast and its watersheds. WHALE TAIL® grants help clean up shorelines, restore habitat, expand beach access, and provide educational experiences for California's children and the general public, with a focus on reaching communities that are poorly served in terms of access and coastal education. More than 86% of all donations go directly to grants, and less than 14% to administration.


How can I donate anytime by check?

If you would prefer to donate by check, please make your check out to Protect Our Coast and Oceans Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund 8086 c/o Coastal Commission, and mail to:
  Office of State Controller Malia M. Cohen
  Attn: Legal Office
  300 Capitol Mall
  Sacramento, CA 95814

Learn more about the Protect Our Coast and Oceans Fund.

Questions? Contact us at