Restoring the Upper Newport Bay in Orange County

4th Saturday of each month
(2nd Saturday in November and December)
Every Wednesday
volunteers potting plants

What will I do at these restoration events?

Our monthly ROOTS events provide volunteers the opportunity to participate in all aspects of the restoration process. We remove invasive plants, plant native plants (during the winter rainy season), irrigate native plants, and perform other site maintenance as needed. During our weekly Steward Days, our volunteers propagate native plants (seed sowing, seedling transplanting, etc.) in our native plant nursery. Each event also provides an opportunity to learn more about the natural history and cultural history of the Upper Newport Bay.

What do I need to bring?

Tools, gloves, training, and drinking water are provided at each event. Volunteers should be prepared to work outdoors with long pants, close-toed shoes, and sun protection. Bring a reusable water bottle to help us reduce waste produced by our events.

How do I sign up?


Thank you to our Upper Newport Bay partners!


Our community-based restoration program is part of the Marine Education Project, a project of the Tides Center conducted in partnership with the Coastal Commission.