The Marinas Interagency Coordinating Committee (MIACC) provides an informative forum for government agencies (state, federal, and local) and stakeholder groups (including marina, harbor, and port operators; boating services businesses; and other boating-related organizations) to share information about nonpoint source (NPS) pollution related to marinas and recreational boating statewide. This Committee is part of the state's NPS Program and is coordinated by staff from the California Coastal Commission and the State Water Resources Control Board. The MIACC has been meeting once or twice annually since 2003.


Marinas Workgroup

  1. Develop partnerships among government agencies (state, federal, and local) and stakeholder groups to address NPS pollution related to recreational boating and marinas;
  2. Make efficient use of government resources to address NPS pollution related to marinas and recreational boating by sharing information, avoiding duplicative efforts, and identifying technical and policy gaps; and
  3. Promote improvements to marina water quality through implementation of Best Management Practices.

Resources on Marinas & Boating

  • California Clean Boating Network

    A collaboration of government, environmental, business, boating, and academic organizations working to improve clean boating education efforts in California through the exchange of information.
  • The Boating Clean & Green Program

    Conducted by the California Division of Boating and Waterways and the California Coastal Commission, this education and outreach program promotes environmentally-sound boating practices to marine businesses and boaters.
  • The California Clean Marina Toolkit

    Developed by the California Coastal Commission’s Boating Clean and Green Campaign, this is a resource for environmentally-sound marina management and operation.
  • Nonpoint Source Pollution: Marinas and Boating

    This U.S. EPA webpage provides factsheets, reports, and guidance documents on the control of pollution from marinas and recreational boating.
  • California's Clean Marine Program

    This marina facility stewardship and certification program was developed by marine industry volunteers to protect our waters from pollution.
  • California’s Marine Protected Areas Outreach Toolkit

    A webpage with downloadable materials about MPAs by California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative.
  • Pollution Prevention Toolkit for Maritime Industries

    A resource guide with Best Management Practices for boaters and boating facilities, developed by the San Francisco Dept. of Public Health for the Calif. Dept. of Toxic Substances Control.

How to Participate

MIACC meetings can be attended via Zoom, teleconference call, or in person. If you would like to participate in a meeting or offer to give a presentation, please contact us:

Next workgroup meeting

  • Date: November or December 2024
  • Time: TBD
  • Agenda (with Zoom log-in info): N/A


Resources on Copper-Based Antifoulant Paints

Archive of Meeting Notes

The opinions expressed by Committee members, presenters, or any other participant who speaks or otherwise expresses an opinion at a meeting (a recording of which can be viewed via the links on this page) do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the State Water Resources Control Board, California Coastal Commission, or Marinas Interagency Coordinating Committee. Meetings of this Committee provide an open forum where all participants are invited to share their input and opinions with mutual respect for other participants.

Most of the archived materials have been removed to make the revisions necessary to ensure ADA-accessibility. Please email us if you would like to be sent specific archived meeting materials listed below that are not yet posted online (pending ADA-accessibility revisions).






  • December

  • May

    • Agenda
    • Meeting Notes
    • Meeting Video - Not Available
    • Meeting presentations and materials
      • Announcements:
        • Recreational Boater’s Guide to Using Hull Paint in California (brochure).
          Port of San Diego (Draft update, May 2019)
      • Biofouling Management – Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species. Chris Scianni, Marine Invasive Species Program, California State Lands Commission. Materials:

        • Biofouling Management – Assessing Biosecurity Risks and Best Practices (PPT). Chris Scianni, Marine Invasive Species Program, Calif. State Lands Commission.
        • Biofouling White Paper: Biofouling in the U.S. Pacific States and British Columbia (document).
          Chris Scianni, Maurya Falkner, and Lisa DeBruyckere (4/11/17)
      • Non-Biocide Hull Paint Study and Floating Dry Docking System at Marina Del Rey Harbor. Maral Tashjian & Jennifer Mongolo, Los Angeles County Dept. of Beaches and Harbors. Materials:
        • Marina del Rey Harbor – Dissolved Copper Reduction Initiatives Update (PPT).
          Maral Tashjian & Jennifer Mongolo, Los Angeles County Dept. of Beaches and Harbors.
        • FAB Dock in-water dry docking system (videos). FAB Dock.
        • In-Water Dry Docking Systems (flyer). L.A. County Dept. of Beaches and Harbors.
      • Motor Vehicle Brake Friction Materials Law (California Brake Pad Law). Melissa Salinas & Suzanne Davis, Safer Products and Workplaces Program, Dept. of Toxic Substances Control. Materials:
        • California Brake Pad Law (PPT).
          Melissa Salinas, Dept. of Toxic Substances Control.
      • Use of Preservative-Treated Wood and Alternative Materials for Building Overwater and Waterfront Structures. Vanessa Metz, Coastal Water Quality Program, Calif. Coastal Commission. Materials:
        • Use of Treated Wood and Alternative Materials for Building Overwater and Waterfront Structures (PPT).
          Vanessa Metz, Calif. Coastal Commission.
        • Use of Preservative-Treated Wood and Alternative Materials for Building Overwater and Waterfront Structures (Factsheet).
          Vanessa Metz, Calif. Coastal Commission.
      • Santa Cruz Harbor Site Tour. Michael Sandecki, Coastal Water Quality Program, Calif. Coastal Commission.Materials:
        • Santa Cruz Harbor Field Tour: Treated Wood and Alternative Materials Used in Overwater & Waterfront Structures (Photos).
          Photos by Michael Sandecki, Calif. Coastal Commission & Michael Hanks, State Water Resources Control Board



  • September

    • Agenda
    • Meeting Notes
    • Meeting presentations and materials
      • Creative Solutions to the Marine Debris Challenge in California. Eben Schwartz, Calif. Coastal Commission. Materials:
        • Coastal Cleanup Day and Marine Debris Actions in California (PPT)
          Eben Schwartz, Calif. Coastal Commission.
      • Clean Marinas Program Update. Kathy Obrien, Clean Marina Board Member, Sun Harbor Marina. Materials:
        • Ride the Wave, Get Clean: Clean Marinas Program (PPT)
          Kathy Obrien, Clean Marina Board Member, Sun Harbor Marina.
        • Clean Marinas Brochure
      • Marina del Rey Toxic Pollutants TMDL. Michael Tripp, Los Angeles County, Dept. of Beaches and Harbors. Materials:
      • Proposed Interim Decision on Copper Oxides. Kimberly Wilson, Antimicrobials Division, Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • April

    • Agenda & Meeting notes
    • Meeting presentations & materials
      • Proposed Commercial Vessel Biofouling Regulations Update. Chris Scianni, Marine Invasive Species Program, Calif. State Lands Commission (CSLC). Materials:
        • Proposed Vessel Biofouling Regulations Update
          Chris Scianni, CSLC
        • Biofouling in the US Pacific State & British Columbia. (Document)
          White Paper Prepared for the Coastal Committee of the Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species by Chris Scianni, Maurya Falkner, and Lisa DeBruyckere 4/11/2017
      • Statewide Network of California’s Marine Protected Areas. Dr. Rikki Eriksen, California Marine Sanctuary Foundation (CMSF). Materials:


  • September - Cancelled

  • April

    • Meeting notes
    • Meeting presentations and materials
      • San Diego Bay Strategy. Jeremey Haas, San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board
        • Strategy for a Healthy San Diego Bay
          San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.
      • Update on AFS Paint Handout. Stephanie Bauer/ Karen Holman (Karen unable to attend meeting), Port of San Diego
        • Boater’s Guide to Using Hull Paint in California
        • Poster - Boater’s Guide to Using Hull Paint in California

Funding for this project has been provided in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) pursuant to Assistance Agreement Nos. C9-79757514; C9-79757515; C9-79757517, and any amendments thereto which have been awarded to the Water Board for the implementation of California’s NPS Program. The content of this document does not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the U.S. EPA or the Water Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.