Santa Monica Mountains/Malibu
Monterey/Santa Cruz
About Periodic LCP Review and ReCAP
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45 Fremont St. Suite 2000
San Francisco, CA 94105-2219
(415) 904-5200
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Local Coastal Program Periodic Reviews / ReCAP:
Reports & Publications

San Luis Obispo County’s Local Coastal Program Periodic Review, July 12, 2001 (as revised August 24, 2001 to incorporate changes from the addendum and hearing of July 12, 2001)
San Luis Obispo Preliminary Report, Exhibit A (as revised to incorporate errata/clarifications of the July 12, 2001 Action)
Status Report and Update on the San Luis Obispo County LCP Periodic Review, July, 2000
ReCAP Final Findings and Recommendations: Santa Monica
Mountains/Malibu Area June 1999.
Pilot Project. Findings and Recommendations: Monterey Bay Region. September. 1995
ReCAP Pilot Project Findings and Recommendations: Monterey Bay Region. Executive Summary. September, 1995.