Santa Monica Mountains/Malibu
Monterey/Santa Cruz
About Periodic LCP Review and ReCAP
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Fuchs, AICP
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California Coastal Commission
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Right Column
March 1999
The Regional Cumulative Assessment Project (ReCAP) is a program to evaluate the implementation of Local Coastal Programs (LCPs) and to improve the management of cumulative impacts to coastal resources. The Coastal Act mandates that the Commission periodically review the implementation of LCPs and recommend corrective actions, where necessary. The Commission also uses the ReCAP methodology to evaluate the implementation of Coastal Commission policies and to provide guidance to local governments in completing LCPs for certification.
At the Commissions November, 1998 hearing, ReCAP staff presented preliminary draft findings and recommendations for the Santa Monica Mountains/Malibu Area ReCAP. The project evaluated the implementation of coastal policy through Commission permits and local government actions and developed preliminary recommendations to address cumulative impacts identified in three key issue areas: the concentration and location of development, with a focus on the Commissions Transfer of Development Credit (TDC) program; public access to the coast; and shoreline armoring. At the hearing, staff received public comments on the report and initiated a 30-day comment period to receive written comments. Commission staff committed to bring revisions back to the Commission with an Action Plan for implementing the top priority ReCAP recommendations.
Organization of this Staff Report:
The first section of this staff report presents the ReCAP Action Plan. The recommendations in the Action Plan and in Attachment 1 have been modified and updated as necessary to address the comments received. The staffs response to comments on the Preliminary Draft Findings and Recommendations for the Santa Monica Mountains/Malibu Area ReCAP (Oct. 1998), received both at the Commission hearing and in written comments, are provided following the action plan. The responses will be incorporated into a final ReCAP report, as indicated, and a Final Report will be published following Commission action.
A reader of the Action Plan should also refer to the Preliminary Draft Findings and Recommendations for the Santa Monica Mountains/Malibu Area ReCAP (Oct. 1998) for more complete findings. A Glossary for definitions of terms used in the report is attached. (Another copy of this report has been distributed to all Commissioners and is available free on the Commissions website or by purchase from the Commissions SF office).
ReCAP Action Plan- Summary of the Staff Recommendation:
The Action Plan details a strategy for implementing the Santa Monica Mountains/Malibu ReCAP recommendations. The staff recommendation, which addresses all the recommendations in the Oct. 1998 draft report, is presented in three parts:
Part 1: Recommendations for Commission adoption and transmittal to local governments for assistance in their LCP planning and/or to consider modifications to an existing LCP. Part 1 is organized to present the specific recommendations of the preliminary report, grouped by issue and referenced by the number in the preliminary report, which should be carried out through Local Coastal Planning. The recommendations are followed by suggested findings that support Commission adoption of the recommendations.
Part 2: Priority Action Items for Commission adoption which include ReCAP recommendations to be carried out by the Commission as part of the Commissions existing regulatory or planning programs during the next 1-2 years. In this part of the report, The Action Item summarizes the overall program objectives. Each Action Item is followed by the specific ReCAP recommendations from the report which will be carried out as part of the action item. The specific recommendations are identified by the number in the preliminary ReCAP report. For each Priority Action Item, specific tasks necessary to implement the full range of recommendations and a suggested timeframe are identified. Finally, suggested findings, referencing applicable portions of the preliminary ReCAP report, identify the basis for Commission adoption of the recommendations. Adoption of this part of the Action Plan will provide direction to staff for reviewing future coastal permit applications and for carrying out other planning tasks.
Part 3: Other ReCAP recommendations for Commission endorsement, to be implemented as time and resources are available, and preferably within five years. This section of the report organizes the specific recommendations from the preliminary ReCAP report under overall objectives as in part 2, but, because staff is recommending that these recommendations are not the first priority to address, there are no specific tasks or timeframes given. As resources become available, staff will propose revisions to this Action Plan to propose specific steps to carry out these other recommendations.
The complete language for each recommendation as numbered in the Oct. 1998 ReCAP report and as revised by this report is found in Attachment 1; revised recommendations in this Action Plan were summarized where possible.
Copies of the written comments received are in Attachment 2 (Attachment 2 could not be included in the web version of this report, but is available for examination at Coastal Commission offices during business hours).